KOhanel 24K relief boxing rhinestone ⭐️⭐️ Different happy! The classic models have been released one after another, and the figure of the box bag is a bit familiar ~ C, how can the classic box bag be absent? The return of money is a classic box bag. The chain has carved diamond 💍 💍 is also a different sense of freshness. Make great innovation, such as the binding body of the box bag and the camera bag, full of personality ~ size 10x17x8cm model: 96109
$104.00 $344.00
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KOhanel 24K relief boxing rhinestone ⭐️⭐️ Different happy! The classic models have been released one after another, and the figure of the box bag is a bit familiar ~ C, how can the classic box bag be absent? The return of money is a classic box bag. The chain has carved diamond 💍 💍 is also a different sense of freshness. Make great innovation, such as the binding body of the box bag and the camera bag, full of personality ~ size 10x17x8cm model: 96109
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